Saturday, March 5, 2011

shopping for steeples

Jessi and I have been "church shopping" for the past three weeks. Today we went to the Puyallup SDA church. We had heard whisperings of a thriving Adventist young adult group. So that's where they all are! So we went and made jokes about meeting our future husbands and friends--we made fun of that thought while meticulously putting on our makeup.

When we got there the greeters did their greeter thing, and it eventually came out that we were church shopping and visitors. Oooh man did they like that! We instantly were given a little form to fill out and one of them darted off to find Mr. Young Adult. Mr. Young Adult's name is Brian, and he seems nice, but unique. They invited us to lunch AND to games tonight. We weaseled from the commitment--graciously, mind you. Commitment in new places is scary. We're not sure if we're ready for that yet.

Jessi and I decided that it's like dating. Lunch and games is dinner... we need coffee. Coffee has a built in exit strategy, a safety net, if you will. So we have a coffee date next Friday night (maybe). They have a Bible study at Brian's house every Friday evening. This is what we've decided to attend. So, we shall see. Maybe this is the place God is nudging us, maybe not. We both really want to become part of a church family. A place where people notice if you're missing and families invite you over for lunch and you get to play with their adorable little kids.


That sounds really nice.

On another note, today happened to be Pathfinder church. Jessi and I stifled giggles pretty much throughout the whole thing. It was epically awkward and contrived and cute. We even got to sing to a soundtrack once while the guitar player sang off key. At one point Jessi reached over and grabbed my arm because it was so awkward. It was wonderful.


  1. oooooo, i want to have "coffee" next friday night ;)

  2. It was pathfinder church at kettering today, too!!!!

  3. sorry that was my comment, forgot to log on.

  4. dylan. hahhaha yeah dylan and i were laughing and stifling over funny pathfinders sabbath too! hey call me tomorrow! we are driving for hours and hours. e

  5. Ha ha! I wish I could have been there! When I come visit again I hope to see your new church. I'm ready to buy into one of those church families too! Let's talk soon! Skype!

  6. I love church shopping and hearing about others talk about it

  7. I hope you find the place you are looking for...pathfinders and all!

  8. i almost feel like friday night bible study could end up being dinner... you guys be careful. don't want to over-committ.

  9. def can relate tear bear! doing a big of "shopping" myself.
    lets talk soon, no, for reals!
