Thursday, February 11, 2010

humanitarian intervention...why aren't you simple?

I'm an idealist.
You want to give me a dose of reality?
Ok...but I won't like it.
Just a warning, I'll chew it and make faces
And you'll have to make me open my mouth to make sure I swallowed.
But the more you make me eat, the harder my stomach will get
Until maybe I won't taste anything at all

But give it to me straight
And give it to me with compassion in your eyes
I'll take it
But only because I know I need it


  1. if something is idyllic, yeah, perhaps it will or perhaps it won't happen. but i would rather be there at the moments when ideals and reality line up....even though at times we'll be let down. got to take what we can get. you're awesome tara b.

  2. i was always an idealist. sometimes i think that part of me is fading. and i'm not sure how i feel about that.

  3. I agree with Nick.

    It's so easy to think idealistcally sometimes. Reality comes in, and dreams fall apart. I'm learning though that a little bit of both never hurt anyone. It's about finding a balance, that's all.

  4. I agree with Ludine. Balance is key, which is something that a realist like myself needs to find, too. So don't loose the idealist in you, cuz no one would do ANYTHING about our poopy world if there weren't people like you.

  5. you have such a good heart tara. someday i think you will be famous because you have a passion for dealing with the problems most of the people in the world choose to ignore.
