Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ready. set. GO.

Here I sit. My suitcase is open, almost full. There are Walmart bags everywhere, deflated soccer balls at my feet, and packages of pop tarts scattered on the floor. It's almost done. I'm almost packed. Jessi just brought over her travel bottles and head lamp that she's letting me borrow. Check. One more thing done.

Tomorrow will be the finish line, I won't do anymore tonight. It's late...and I'm tired.

People have been asking me all day if I'm excited. At the beginning my response was, "I'm overwhelmed", in the middle it was "I will be when I get everything packed", and now here at the end I think I'm just...amazed.

Amazed that one day this summer a friend and I sat at a coffee shop talking about our hopes and dreams, and this idea was born. And now I'm going.

I'm amazed that I said I was going to do it...and then I did.

May THIS be the pattern of my life. I have big dreams and high hopes for my future, but those don't mean much unless I apply action to those words.

Step one starts tomorrow. I'm not sure how many steps I'll have to take to get where I'm going, but as long as I keep taking them....that's alright with me.

Thanks for your prayers and support friends, they honestly mean so much to me.

Ready. Set. GO.

1 comment:

  1. tara! no more stress, you are now on your way here! way to take actions with your dreams...usually i am too afraid of failure and the unknown to do so...way to set the bar! see you soon!
