Saturday, August 28, 2010


My new Mac came in the mail yesterday. I'm currently typing on it right now, actually. It feels weird having it. I've never been one of those people who has the top of the line thing. My phone is a hand-me down, my ipod is from 2005, and the cd player in my car wouldn't even play burned cds. So I'm sitting here and the keys are all clicky and the screen is all shiny and it's kind of fun... but at the same time I feel kind of self-conscious about owning something so nice. It's like I want to say to people that don't know me very well, "I'm not rich enough to own this!"

Nick walked me through the options and assured me that this was a good long term investment. And it is. So that's good.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I might be blogging a lot more because... now typing is really fun. It's like when Chelsea got her new purple phone and fiddled with the picture features for weeks. Or when Nick got his bike and rode to our house all the time. Or when Ben got his sewing machine. Or when Jessi got that slack line thing she needed so she could set it up herself (... right??). Or when Chris found out how cheap the snacks were at Little Debbie's...

It's like that. Mostly.

There's some stuff about this thing that I still don't get though. It's currently making a "bloop" (?) noise... like it's trying to get my attention. But I don't know where my attention should be.... Ben Schnell comes tomorrow though. He'll help me figure it out.

Ben Schnell comes tomorrow!


  1. Hurray for Tara! She got a new computer! WE all know that you're not rich enough for that thing, so don't even worry about it. Just remember we're all too poor for them too, and that's why all of us have them. Hold on. Wait. Nevermind. That's probably not comforting at all. I probably missed the point.

  2. Well, hey. I would just like to comment that those pictures are ridiculously funny. I am happy for you and your ability to type as rapidly as you would like now on your new computer.

  3. Just going to leave two comments here to show how much I genuinely care. For reals.

  4. It looks like someone razzled your hair!

  5. that is exactly how i felt when i got mine a couple years ago. the whole, "wow, i've never had anything this nice before..." and also, you have made me miss my bike. i'm coming back. just you wait and see.

  6. I'm happy for you! Don't worry about looking too fancy with the computer, because computers obsolesce REALLY fast, and pretty soon it will feel old. but it is a good computer, and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  7. Tara, that middle picture. It reminded me of movie pirates of the caribbean that 3rd one. The one with the octopus man.

  8. hahah yeah!!! someone razzled your hair! hahaha
