Wednesday, January 13, 2010

make it stop.

17,000 children die every day from starvation
6 million every year
1 child dies every 3 seconds

My professor, Mindy Rahn, shared this reality with us at the beginning of our first class last Wednesday. Then we sat there and watched the clock for a bit... "one child just died" "another child" "another child". Ugh. It's in times like those that I'm so disgustingly aware of how comfortable my chair/life is.

Humanitarian Intervention is the name of the class, and it's amazing. It's going to shake me up, I can feel it. She had us read an article from Time magazine today entitled "South Africa's New Slave Trade and the Campaign to Stop it".

I hate sex trafficking. I hate it. Especially when I think about the little girls.

I did a research paper on it last year and my heart hasn't ever been the same. There's nothing that makes me feel more angry, passionate, firey, discouraged, helpless, saddened than this disgusting issue. When I started reading that article, and when we were discussing it I got that burning feeling in my soul that has become really familiar whenever this issue is brought up.

I've been researching anti-trafficking internships for this summer. There are some that I've found that seem really amazing, and provide great opportunities to learn and do more. I've got a couple different possible job options for this summer, but I'm not sure where I'll be. I don't think there is going to be any other job that is going to feed/rip up my soul more than one of these internships though. So I'm gonna pray a lot, and apply a lot...and then see what happens.

That article was just sitting on my desk as I wrote this and a classmate next to me read the title, "What kind of slaves are they trading?" he said in somewhat of a light tone. "Children. It's about sex trafficking."
"Oh, that's rough."

Yeah. It's rough. Real real rough.


  1. Tar, this is something that you are so passionate about and when you share with others you light them on fire too! We really need to talk soon, I love you!

  2. I recently heard a presentation about how to figure out what to do with your life. I'm not really any closer than I was before to that goal, but he did say something interesting: pay attention to the things that make you really upset. Those will be the things that you will find the desire and energy to fix, and fulfillment in doing so.

    P.S. See you tomorrow!

  3. Our lives are comfortable. Its nice. I almost feel guilty most of the time for having it so nice, even though there are some hard parts, its still way better than more than half of the world. Good luck with landing and internship. Go change the world Tara :)

  4. tara b.

    someday, let's have houses near eachother--maybe in a foreign village??

  5. I really admire your compassionate heart, your ability to hurt for people you don't know, and do something about it. I can't wait to hear what you're doing in a few years.
