Sunday, January 3, 2010

the wreck.

There was an accident yesterday, on our way from Walla Walla to Yakima. We were some of the first people to show up, and my dad is an RN, so we stopped. A married couple had been driving a big red truck with a huge trailer hitched on the back, the trailer started to fish tail and then flipped on its side, throwing the truck off the road and down the bank. The wife had gotten out and was fine, apparently she was walking around looking for her purse. The husband was in the drivers seat and appeard to be alright, but they were cautioning him to stay put until the ambulance came.

I sat in the car as my dad crossed the street to see how he could help. As I sat there I watched and reflected on what I saw unfolding in front of me.


Coming together.

One man had pulled over and was directing traffic, cautioning drivers to get on the other side of the road early. Other families were pulling over, grabbing blankets, and first aid kits, and bringing them over to the crashed truck. There were people on their cell phones calling for help, and hugs being given to the upset wife. My dad was one of three nurses who had stopped to offer their knowledge and help.

And as I watched all of the concerned faces slowly drive by, and the people braving the cold to help a stranger I thought... people are good. There we all are, from different worlds. Each having different struggles, beliefs, and personalities, coming together for a common good.

Sometimes I look at this world and all the crap that happens and I think "This sucks. This place sucks."

And it does. A lot of the time. But there's good, friends. There is good in this world. We have been created to be a people that longs for love and acceptance, a people that actually finds true joy in making other people happy. And when we forget that, we are just letting the devil win, letting him make this world into a place filled with despair and selfishness.

It's a new year. A new beginning. I'm sure we've all made resolutions and have this idea in our heads of who we want to be in twenty ten. And if we get to June and we've already made a mess of our resolutions and forgotten what we felt in these first days of January, may we never forget that we've been called to love, and love abundantly.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope, love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 corinthians 13:13


  1. Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes we focus on all of humanity's flaws. But before the flaws, before the fall--we were all heart. "The glory of God is man fully alive." ~Saint Ireneaeus Y

    ou saw people fully alive--living with heart.

  2. that is a really beautiful thing you described, all the random people putting individualism and isolation aside to help strangers. cool.

  3. I like it when I see goodness in people. It makes me feel good to be a person. =) This was a good one, friend.

  4. You never fail to touch my heart little one. Thank you for allowing me to see the world through your eyes.

  5. have you seen the movie Crash? you should.

  6. God knows what we each need and when we need it.

    In high school I got in an accident that clogged the roadway. I was crying, waiting for the police. This guy drove by and yelled "Learn how to f-ing drive!".

    After that I learned how to effing drive!

  7. I can't believe these deep and wonderful thoughts are coming so eloquently out of my little sister who pooped in the bathtub. So proud of you sis.
