Monday, November 8, 2010

fight apathy.

We played our championship football game tonight. Last year we won. This year, we lost. I almost teared up on the sidelines when that dang girl ran the second touchdown in. Isn't that ridiculous? I'm competitive, I guess. But I didn't know I was that competitive.

It's taken me a good two hours to wind down from being upset about the game. And my chest still feels a little unrest. When Amanda drove me home from the game and when we got home I kept saying, "Man I'm upset. How do I make this go away?"

I got an email from my brother tonight telling me that my step-grandpa died. We weren't super close. He married my grandma when I was in high school and I didn't see them much. But still, one of my family members died today and this is only the second time I've thought about it.

There are bigger things happening tonight, Tara. The average age of a girl entering prostitution is 12-years-old. 12. years. old. While I've been typing this one of those 12-year-olds probably had her first customer. And I'm upset about a football game. Look at the big picture, Tara. Stop being so ridiculous.

Hey, the tightness in my chest has lifted. Crap. The tightness in my chest has lifted.


  1. Oh Tara. I'm glad you care about the world. So glad. But you can care about yourself, too. That's ok.

  2. dear friend tara...can we be friends forever?

  3. i heard this quote that went something like "Apathy is the greatest sin of all because it means desiring nothing deeply and intimately." Nick says, for a movie to be good, we have to know what the main character wants and is willing to give everything for. You inspire me Tara because you know exactly what you want, to save girls from hell. And I know you'd give everything for it.

  4. Schnell is right! You know what we call your character?! THE HERO. Just remember that.

  5. awhhhh...guys! You are so precious. Tara is a Hero for sure!
