Wednesday, June 16, 2010

this that and the other

You know when you have a full cup of soup and you're trying to walk to the table and you're just staring at your soup, making sure that it doesn't slop over? It's like you know that if you look away, your hand is instantly not going to know how steady to be. I can be walking at just the same speed, but if I'm not watching it... the soup spills.

Are we focusing on the right things?


My friend recommended a book to me. It's called "Marry Him. The case for settling for Mr. Good Enough." Doesn't that title sound awful? 'Well hello ginormous wrecking ball. Go ahead, smash down my castle and all my nice little dreams about love and romance.' What if I'm like her someday? Forty and single doesn't sound super awesome to me. She says there's a difference between settling and compromise. I've only read a couple chapters, so I have yet to understand what she's talking about. On the upside, the book looks at finding a mate from a completely secular standpoint, which makes me feel a little better. I'm gonna leave room for God in my love story... and hopefully I'll never have to say, "I guess this is good enough." Also, I'm only 23. I am YOUNG.

I've been dance-jogging a couple more times lately. I just can't get to that place where I am TOTALLY letting go. Whenever I get to the road that has houses right next to it I turn my spastic dancing into a light head bob. Lame.

I Skyped with Wawona friends tonight. The ache in my heart for camp is intensifying... ugh. sucky. I'm doing the right thing. I know it. But being a grown-up is rough.


  1. I wish you could come over for dinner.

  2. we've got to talk on the phone sometime soon. i like the part about the soup.

  3. God knows how to make the best love stories!

  4. what an interesting book! I think I'll buy it for any girls I'm interested in...

  5. hmm, i have heard a little bit about that book and not so sure about all of that...think you have some good thoughts. totally understand about missing camp too, was looking at someones pictures of mivoden and almost wanted to hop on a plane and go out!
