Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Piggly Wiggly get better!

Today my dad told me that you don't get the Swine Flu from pigs...the reason that it's called Swine flu is because pigs can get it from US when we have it! Did everybody already know this?

So...people have stopped eating pork, for no reason... maybe Adventists are behind this epidemic.


  1. I guess we should quarantine the pigs in Mexico so they don't suffer from our epidemic.

  2. my mom, who is a germiphobe,and studies these things obsessively, would disagree...

  3. Nuh uh! I asked my dad again...just to clarify. You CAN'T get the swine flu from pork. For reals.

  4. According to NPR news, Tara & Mr. Becker are correct about the pork thing. It's not spread by eating it...yet.
