Monday, May 18, 2009

roasty toasty

Aloe Vera: a very short-stemmed plant with thick leaves with soothing mucilaginous juice; leaves develop spiny margins with maturity; native to Mediterranean region; grown widely in tropics and as houseplants.

I was excited about laying out in my pool this afternoon. Now I'm a little less excited.

I'm not a very patient tanner...I've discovered...cause this seems to happen every year.

Let the tan-off begin Nate Dubs.


  1. Dang girl! Oh my goodness!!!! You look like a lobster in that picture! This happens every year? Dang I was wondering where you were going with the aloe vera thing. "*Ohhhhhhhhh, now I see"

  2. Umm, look soooo, in that picture. I won't lie, I was a little worried about our tan-off things are looking pretty good. Sorry you got burnt.

  3. I wish I was a better person. But the truth is that when I saw this picture of you, I just started laughing out loud, and I didn't stop for a while. Then I read what you wrote and laughed some more. Ah, how I miss you.

  4. Just to clarify...that picture is from when I was a dean at MBA. That was probably the worst sunburn I have ever had. I laid out on the beach forever...and immediately regretted my decision. My girls went down to the aloe plants on campus and got straight up aloe for me. I felt like an idiot.

    This year isn't as bad at all.

  5. Your visual aids are helpful (if not a bit misleading). I was going to challenge you to a farmer's tan contest, but it's probably already too late for that. Oh well, guess I'll remain the undefeated (slash, unchallenged) champion of the farmer's tan. Sucker. =)

  6. Remind me not to stand next to you at camp for picutres. I'll need to find another person the same shade of porcelain white that I am.

  7. oh, this is at MBA, that's right, you've shown me this picture before. Now I remember. I'm glad you waited to clarify this, because believing this was recent was hilarious

  8. you do look like you go some sun!
